Jumat, 28 April 2017



1.      Function
a.       Can function to express the ability
b.      Could function to express the ability of the past
c.       Be able to function to express ability
d.      May serves to express the possibilities of the present and the future
e.       Might serves to express the possibility that does not happen
f.       Must function to express obligations or needs
g.      Have / has / had to function to express obligations or needs
h.      Will serves to express the will and to reveal the invitation
i.        Would serve to express willingness or action in the past
j.        Be going to function to express the will
k.      Shall just like will but only used for one person only
l.        Should serve to express suggestions or advice
m.    Ought to function to state what is right or right

2.      Differences
a.       Must: is the highest level because must is a must, if not done nothing will happen.
b.      Shall: is a must as well but different from must, shall be a necessity but if not done nothing will happen.
c.       Can: stating ability but will not affect anything in the future if done or not.

3.      Example
a.       Can
You can buy anything with your money but you can not buy love.
Can I borrow your car for one night?
b.      Could
                        You could run faster than me two years ago.
                        Could I use your computer to print and scan?
c.       (Be) able to
                        I’m able to work independently and in a team          
                        He is able to playing football
d.      May
He may work out and consume healthy food every day.
May I go home now?
e.       Might
                        You might forget the embarassing accident tomorrow
                        The doctor might have warned you not to eat red meat.
f.       Must
People must try to be more tolerant of each other.
 I think you really must make more of an effort.
g.      Have to
                        They sometimes have to work on Saturday.
                        Do you have to speak English at work?
h.      Will
Will you marry me?
I will give you a glass of water.
i.        Would
                        He said the next meeting would be in a month’s time.
                        Would you like another cup of tea?
j.        (Be) going to
                        The children are going to be farmers.
                        Life is going to be a bit easier from now on.
k.      Shall
                        Shall I give you some advice?
                        The Human Resource manager shall report the employee 
l.        Should
                        You should see the doctor.
                        I think you should go for the Alfa rather than the Audi.
m.    Ought to
                        I ought to wear high quality running shoes.
                        We ought to select the best candidate for the job.